Wenshuai Zhao

I'm an Electrical Engineering PhD student at Aalto Robot Learning Lab, Finland. I have always been fascinated by robots interacting with physical world, other robots and humans. Motivated by this theme, I started from exploring reinforcement learning algorithms. Recently I am interested in imitation learning for humanoid control via diffusion models.

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I have done several works on mutli-agent reinforcment learning, curriculum learning and model-based reinforcement learning. Representative papers are highlighted.

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

Optimistic Multi-Agent Policy Gradient
Wenshuai Zhao, Yi Zhao, Zhiyuan Li, Juho Kannala, Joni Pajarinen
ICML, 2024
website / code / arXiv

In order to overcome the relative overgeneralization problem in multi agent learning, we propose to enable optimism in multi-agent policy gradient methods by reshaping advantages.

Backpropagation Through Agents
Zhiyuan Li, Wenshuai Zhao, Lijun Wu, Joni Pajarinen
AAAI, 2024
code / arXiv

We propose to backpropogate the gradients through action chains in auto-regressive based MARL methods.

AgentMixer: Multi-Agent Correlated Policy Factorization
Zhiyuan Li, Wenshuai Zhao, Lijun Wu, Joni Pajarinen
arxiv, 2024
code / arXiv

We propose multi-agent correlated policy factorization under CTDE, in order to overcome the asymmetric learning failure when naively distill individual policies from a joint policy.

Learning Progress Driven Multi-Agent Curriculum
Wenshuai Zhao, Zhiyuan Li, Joni Pajarinen
arXiv, 2024
code / arXiv

We show two flaws in existing reward based curriculum learning algorithms when generating number of agents as curriculum in MARL. Instead, we propose a learning progress metric as a new optimization objective which generates curriculum maximizing the learning progress of agents.


Less Is More: Robust Robot Learning via Partially Observable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Wenshuai Zhao*, Eetu-Aleksi Rantala*, Joni Pajarinen, Jorge Pena Queralta
arXiv, 2023
code / arXiv

We show that in many multi agent systems where agents are weakly coupled, partial observation can still enable near-optimal decision making. Moreover, in a mobile robot manipulator, we show partial observation of agents can improve robustness to agent failure.

Model-based Reinforcement Learning

Simplified Temporal Consistency Reinforcement Learning
Yi Zhao, Wenshuai Zhao, Rinu Boney, Juho Kannala Joni Pajarinen
ICML, 2023
code / arXiv

We propose a simple but effective model-based reinforcement learning algorithm relying only on a latent dynamics model trained by latent temporal consistency.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website